A dripping faucet.

Reasons Your Home Might Have Low Water Pressure

Out of all the utilities available in a home, the most essential are, without a doubt, water and electricity. So, to have something go wrong with either one of them is definitely a cause for concern. Low water pressure, compared to having no access to water, might seem trivial. However, if you leave it alone and the underlying cause is not found, the issue could quickly grow and spiral out of control. In the worst-case scenario, you might end up having to pay costly repairs for what would have been an easy fix originally. Of course, the problem causing low water pressure can turn out to be easy to solve, too. So, to help you differentiate between urgent and simple causes of it, we have put together a list of reasons your home might have low water pressure.

You might have faulty fixtures

If you notice that water pressure has been decreasing in one part of your home but is still working just fine in the rest of it, then you might be dealing with faulty fixtures. Luckily, this is one of the easiest fixes among the reasons your home might have low water pressure. There are three possible causes in this scenario.

First, there might be an issue with the connections of your fixtures with the pipes leading water to them. In this case, the fix is as simple as correcting the problem and redoing the connections properly. This issue can crop up if you installed the fixtures yourself.

Second, there might be problems with clogging or corrosion. Faucets and showerheads suffer from this quite often, though it can happen to water boilers as well.

Third, you might be facing the trouble of having hard water. The minerals such water carries, though in no way harmful to people who use or consume it, can build up and block water flow. The most common example of this is showerheads, which are often the first to be seriously affected if you have hard water.

Finally, you should keep in mind that faulty fixtures, while a reasonably easy fix, can get your home flagged during a house inspection. This can make potential buyers hesitant to make an offer, so it is better to take care of such issues before putting your house on the market.

Check the main house shutoff valve

This particular valve controls the water coming into your home from the city water supply pipe. It is typically found within your house where the pipe connects to it, though in rare cases, it can also be located outside. If you have just purchased your house or had cause to recently turn off the water supply to your home, it is likely that you had not re-opened it the whole way.

It is relatively easy to check since the valve comes in two shapes: a lever or a wheel you would turn counter-clockwise. In the case of the former, it needs to be parallel to the water pipe to be fully open. In the case of the latter, try turning it all the way in the previously specified direction.

Check the water meter valve

Now, this might sound similar to the previous entry on our list. However, there is one important fact that differentiates them. The main shutoff valve is located in your home and belongs to you. In contrast, the water meter valve belongs to the water supply company and is meant to be handled by professionals.

What this means, in effect, is that you are likely not adequately equipped to check and turn it on yourself if it is what’s causing problems. First of all, it is often located underground, so you will likely have issues accessing it. Second of all, it can be challenging to handle without the proper know-how, even if you can reach it. So, if you are having water pressure issues after major work on your plumbing system, you will want to contact a professional, since trying to do it yourself can be dangerous or damage your property

Your pressure regulator might be broken

Some houses admittedly do not even have a pressure regulator installed. They are not necessary, although they are helpful. The role of a pressure regulator is self-evident from its name. Unfortunately, this means that, if there are issues with it, you will also experience a severe drop in water pressure. Just like some of the other entries on our list, you are advised not to try and fix it alone.

Your pipes might be clogged or damaged

Unlike fixtures, which you can handle, if your pipes are damaged, it is better to look for professional help. Leaky pipes might start out as merely an annoyance. But if you try to fix them, you can easily make the pipe burst and cause flooding in your home. Similarly, if you use chemicals to unclog your pipes, you can cause severe corrosion if you use the wrong ones. This can weaken the pipes and cause leaks.

There might be issues with your water supplier 

If you have tried everything else on our list and nothing is working, then the issue might be with your water supplier. In that case, there are two options.

One, there was an accident that impairs their ability to adequately supply the city with water. An example would be burst pipes or power outages. In such cases, all you can do is wait for them to recover their working capacity.

Secondly, the problem might be with your utilities. This can particularly be an issue if you have just purchased your house. Some of the utilities for the property might have been canceled by the previous owner. And you might simply not have asked to have them reactivated due to not being aware. As a first-time homeowner, if you are yet to buy your first place, make sure to check if all the utilities are active for the property, particularly if you are planning to move in quickly. Otherwise, you might find yourself without essentials such as water or electricity.


This marks an end to our list of reasons your home might have low water pressure. We hope you’ve found our advice helpful and found a solution for your low water pressure troubles. Just remember: never try to do on your own a job that requires a professional! Doing so puts you, your family, and your home at unnecessary risk and is very likely to end up costing you much more than the original repairs would. Instead, contact your local plumber and have them solve the issue swiftly and expertly.

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